dusk and dawn

Like many other bloggers, I don't often venture off of my platform anymore. Because of this, flickr, plurk, discord and blogger gro...

Like many other bloggers, I don't often venture off of my platform anymore. Because of this, flickr, plurk, discord and blogger groups have become not just an amazing resource for information but has led to it's fair share of friendships I'm grateful to have made. One such fantastic connection is Cass! For a few months now we every so often peek in on each other and check in on how the other is doing, have a few giggles and squee about shopping finds. When she mentioned the new body glitter suit by Eve, we both had a light bulb moment and magic happened. Thank you for posing with me, and of course to see her version of this shot and her gorgeous blog check out the links below.

#taketomiWEST - Aishwarya (M;MultiStyler)
::Modish:: Tara-T01 [Catwa]
CATWA HEAD Lona v2.12
CURELESS [+] Moonlight Jewels (previous groupgift)

E.V.E Rapunzel Suit Glitter [MAI-F] @ WLRP

FOXCITY. Show Off-1m (Alternate hand position) @ on9

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